Thursday, May 15, 2014

Final Year Project 2(Hardware) Week14

Title: Decorate the project


  • To decorate the project to make it interesting
  • To make audience understand my project
  • To the overall result of the project
  • To get ready before presentation day

  •  Place the Black cardboard that can hold the car, GSM and battery
  • Test the function of circuit after put the circuit into car model

  • Create the poster A1 size by using the Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
  • Make a video to prove that the project are successful

Result and Analysis:

  • The decoration for the project are done as the figure below.
  • The poster for FYP presentation


  • The project are get ready to a presentation Industry Day at Unikl BMI. Regarding this project, it facing a lot of problem because of lack of knowledge and the careless that needs to be concerned during constructing and create the coding well. This project are done, furthermore this project are having problem with the GSM module, so I advise to those who wants to do a GSM project buy the Cytron GSM that the GSM are suitable in any of the type of coding and easy to use. This project are ready to fit in the virtual car as long as the relay are suitable for automotive usage and the wiring for that car are not problem. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Final Year Project 2 (Hardware) Week13

Title: Create the chassis with included the circuit to the RC car Model


  • To fit in the both circuit to the RC car model and tested it.
  • To decorate the LCD boxes and make it interested to view.
  • Demo video 80% overall project

  • Put the Microcontroller and relay circuit into the RC model car, make sure the chassis of the car model close properly into the car model.
  • After the car model settle, it's time to create the LCD boxes and sleeving the wire properly
Creates LCD boxes

Spray blue samurai color
  • Record the video for the operation flow
Result and Analysis:

  • The LCD wire are sleeve properly to make it interesting

  • This project are about 80% to be done, it needs to decorate properly to make sure that the audience are understand that the system that I want produce to them and this project will attract people to view my FYP.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Final Year Project 2(Hardware) Week12

Title: Testing the new PCB design and compared with old design PCB


  • To compared the effectiveness both of the new and old PCB design that created
  • To tested the relay circuit to both of the PCB design


  • Testing both MicroController and compare the result
New MicroController Circuit

Old MicroController Circuit
Result and Analysis:
  • The new one design Microcontroller and Relay circuit are better and function well than the old design.
  • The new circuit are didn't have the jumper wire,circuit are much more tidy the old one design.
  • The output display and relay circuit are function well than the old circuit
  • The PCB circuit that are designed by UV technique are more sharp than etching by the manual technique. While, there's always having a problem regarding created the PCB so needs to do more troubleshoot and comparison technique to get a better result. The problem regarding the MicroController and relay circuit are done and achieve the objectives.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Final Year Project 2(Hardware) Week11

Title: Troubleshoot and design the new circuit for MicroController


  • To create new PCB for Relay and MicroController circuit
  • Create PCb by using UV technique


  • After so many of troubleshoot, the MicroController circuit are having a bigger problem due to the short circuit.
  • Create the new layout of PCB by UV style and etching a new circuit to satisfy the problem
etching using sodium hydrochloride

  • After that it needs to be etching by using ferric chloride. Those steps for etcing by using ferric chloride are same before this post.

After etching
After drill
Result and Analysis:

  • New Microcontroller circuit are done and function well. The LCD are replace with the new one.
  • The relay circuit are also etching with the new one to make sure that the connction for PCB are success enough.
new design relay PCB


  • The objectives to create a new PCB design are achieve. The main reason to create new PCB are easy to troubleshoot and can compare the effectiveness of the circuit between old and new PCB design.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Final Year Project 2( Hardware) Week10

Title: Troubleshoot the PCB circuit


  • To recognize the problem regarding the PCB for Microcontroller  and Relay circuit
  • To make sure that the voltage drop at relay circuit are decrease

  • Construct the relay connection at bread board and test the connection by using the transistor TIP122. 
  • After test, the relay are functioning well and proceed to the next step.
  • Checking the LCD connection to make sure that the all the circuit can function well.
Result and Analysis:

  • MicroController circuit are function well, but the relay circuit are having some problem. By through this session it must be a some problem that needs to be solved immediately to make sure this project are possible to success. 


  • This week are fully with stressed and really exhausted because the circuit cannot function well as wanted. Needs to do some troubleshoot process more and rearrange the layout of PCB. Also to study again about the connection from MicroController to Relay connection.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Final Year Project 2(Hardware) Week9

Title: Tested the real PCB circuit


  • Build the circuit for relay part and MAX232
  • Test the both MicroController PCB and relay PCB 

  • The relay and MAX 232 circuit needed to be etching first
Before Etching

Relay & MAX232 PCB
  • The LCD cables need to be soldering before it fit into the MicroController PCB
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5
  • Step 1 until step 4 are shown that the step needs to be taken to create LCD connection to build to the MicroController PCB. While Step 5 are shown all the limit switches and variable resistor are done soldering.  

Result and Analysis

  • After all the component are done soldering, its time to put all the component into its position and test it. 

LCD corrupted
VDD and VSS jumper

  • The circuit for MicroController are fully done, after put the supply the LCD didn't show any result. This is because of the LCD failure to operate well. LCD needs to replace with another LCD. And then, the MicroController circuit needs to added some jumper to make sure the current are fully supported

  • The LCD are shown the feedback and all the main circuit for MicroController are function well. Then, connected with GSM Wavecom and connected with the relay circuit at (breadboard).

  • All the PCB are designed and tested, the MicroController circuit are function well but the relay & MAX232 circuit are difficult to tested because the voltage drop at relay coil are about 2.7V that cannot trigger the 5VDC relay
  • While, the GSM Wavecom are function well with the MicroController circuit and can sent and receive the message tthrough the mobile phone.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Final Year Project2 (Hardware) Week8

Title: Create the real PCB to make a virtual circuit


  • Recheck all the PCB layout 
  • To create the virtual circuit for Microcontroller circuit and relay circuit

  • List all the component that are involved in this session. The component were:
PCB(fibre),masking tape,transparent paper PCB

PCB pen

acid etching
  • The PCB (fibre) needed to be printed by using the transparent paper as shown in figure below:
          This step are using the iron to heat up the transparent paper that have printed with the circuit                          MicroController diagram. 

After iron the transparent paper
  • The circuit diagram that are appear at the PCB fiber are not cleared enough, so it must be touch up by using the PCB pen as shown as figure below:
Cleared PCB printed
  • After that, the PCB must be included the etching processes. The purpose of this processed are to remove the unwanted copper to create a circuit diagram. This step are using the etching acid and hot water. Just shown as Figure below:
Step1: put the etching powder into the plastic bowl

Step2: Put boiled water to the etching powder

Step3: Put the PCB into the bowl

Step4: Etching process end

  • The PCB are settled with etching processed. Next, needs to clean up the black ink color at the top of the copper circuit line:

After cleaning
  • Drilling process are required to put the component into the PCB:

Drilling process
Put component to PCB

Result and Analysis:
  • The PCB for MicroController are designed well. All component such as PIC16F887,Crystal 20Mhz,connector,resistor,voltage regulator 7805,capacitor 22pF and resistor 1K & 47K.
  • The component needs to be solder so that the component will conduct electricity very well.

  • The PCB for Microcontroller circuit are designed well. Next, it will be tested after all the component are ready enough to put into the PCB. 
  • LCD 16x2 needs to be solder properly to connected into this board.
  • Next, etching the relay circuit and tested both circuit.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Final Year Project2(Hardware) Week7

Title: Find suitable car model


  • To find a car model that are suitable and can be used into my final year project
  • The car model must be at least width=6 inch,length =16inch and high=6 inch
  • the car model must can be fit in the main controller circuit and relay circuit
  • Go to the supermarket and find the car model that cannot function well with the cheaper price because the purpose of finding this car model are only wants to get their body and chassis not the circuit for the controlling the car.
Microcontroller circuit fit to the model

car model satisfy the specification
  • After the car model that satisfy the objectives, next the chassis needs to do some modification to create the 4 door system that can react as real door simulation for a car.



  • For the Step1, Draft the pattern for real door car to make it possible to open
  • Step2, after draft by using marker, the image of the 4 door are clear already. So, cut the door that followed the line that has been created before this and separated it from plastic chassis.
  • The plastic chassis are thin and not strong enough to hold the pressure and load from human hand. So, it must be redesign by using the cardboard paper that are more thick and strong enough to hold the pressure as shown at step3.
  • Step4 are shown about the design that are created at cardboard paper that can opened the car doors.
  • after Step4, the door that had been cut before this needs to put a gum and to make sure the door are hard enough to hold the human hand pressure.

Result and Analysis:

  • The car model are satisfy the objectives of this week because the 4 door can be opened and the car model can open and close the door properly by some modification.
  • The importance to find the right car model is to make sure that the car are exactly could be same as real car viewer.

  • The objectives for finding the car model are acheive and the door can be well opened, same as the virtual car system that are simply can tell people about this project purpose due to the real situation while the thief wants to opened the car doors.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Final Year Project 2(Hardware) Week6

Title: Build and test the main circuit (Microcontroller) at bread board


  • To construct and tested the main circuit(Microcontroller) at bread board
  • To make make sure the coding that been burned at Microcontroller PIC16F887 are fully working
  • Construct the circuit at bread board by referring circuit from the Proteus simulation before this
Proteus simulation for main circuit
Main Circuit are constructed
  • After the circuit are constructed, the circuit are been tested as shown above.
Result and Analysis:
  • For the first circuit construct, there is a problem regarding the connection. The LCD 16x2 are didn't display the output due to the failure of the supposed connection.

LCD failure

  • After troubleshoot the lcd, connection are successfully done and the problem are solved
  • According the simulation, 1st the LCD will display 'READY'

  • Then, it will display 'GSM Security Car'

  • When the PB2 is pressed, it will turn on the switch that will located at door car panel, there's 4 switch that connected parallel just like the proteus simulation shown. 

PB2 pressed
The LCD will display 'System On' just after the PB2 is pressed

  • After 'System On' it will activated the Door Switches that connected at parallel line. The working scheme for the Door Switches are working when there's one of the switches turn on, the LCD will display 'Sending Message' which means the MicroController will sending message to the GSM system, than the LCD will display 'Warning' that will alerted people that try to stole the car.
  • Actually, after the LCD are display 'Sending Message' and 'Warning', the Relay 5vdc will react to cut-off the supply for the Ignition System of the car. But in this testing, the Relay part are not included because of the relay and GSM circuit are build separated from the Main circuit. The Relay 5vdc and GSM will be tested after this session.


  • The coding that are burned for the PIC16F887(Microcontroller) are successfully done perfect but after some kind of troubleshoot because of failure to do a correct wiring and some short circuit are produced that caused the Microcontroller cannot perform well.
  • It is important to test the main circuit at the bread board to check weather the coding that are burned at Microcontroller are perfectly perform or not.
  • After the circuit at bread board are perform well, it will build a confidence level to create a PCB circuit according to the PCB layout that are created by using PCB Wizard before this.