Friday, March 21, 2014

Final Year Project 2(Hardware) Week6

Title: Build and test the main circuit (Microcontroller) at bread board


  • To construct and tested the main circuit(Microcontroller) at bread board
  • To make make sure the coding that been burned at Microcontroller PIC16F887 are fully working
  • Construct the circuit at bread board by referring circuit from the Proteus simulation before this
Proteus simulation for main circuit
Main Circuit are constructed
  • After the circuit are constructed, the circuit are been tested as shown above.
Result and Analysis:
  • For the first circuit construct, there is a problem regarding the connection. The LCD 16x2 are didn't display the output due to the failure of the supposed connection.

LCD failure

  • After troubleshoot the lcd, connection are successfully done and the problem are solved
  • According the simulation, 1st the LCD will display 'READY'

  • Then, it will display 'GSM Security Car'

  • When the PB2 is pressed, it will turn on the switch that will located at door car panel, there's 4 switch that connected parallel just like the proteus simulation shown. 

PB2 pressed
The LCD will display 'System On' just after the PB2 is pressed

  • After 'System On' it will activated the Door Switches that connected at parallel line. The working scheme for the Door Switches are working when there's one of the switches turn on, the LCD will display 'Sending Message' which means the MicroController will sending message to the GSM system, than the LCD will display 'Warning' that will alerted people that try to stole the car.
  • Actually, after the LCD are display 'Sending Message' and 'Warning', the Relay 5vdc will react to cut-off the supply for the Ignition System of the car. But in this testing, the Relay part are not included because of the relay and GSM circuit are build separated from the Main circuit. The Relay 5vdc and GSM will be tested after this session.


  • The coding that are burned for the PIC16F887(Microcontroller) are successfully done perfect but after some kind of troubleshoot because of failure to do a correct wiring and some short circuit are produced that caused the Microcontroller cannot perform well.
  • It is important to test the main circuit at the bread board to check weather the coding that are burned at Microcontroller are perfectly perform or not.
  • After the circuit at bread board are perform well, it will build a confidence level to create a PCB circuit according to the PCB layout that are created by using PCB Wizard before this.

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